It’s that time of year again, readers: the princely family of Monaco gathered in Monte Carlo last night for the annual Rose Ball, an event that benefits the Princess Grace Foundation. Let’s have a look at the sparkle on show, shall we?
Princess Charlene did not attend this year’s ball — busy taking care of the twins, I assume — so the first lady for the evening was Princess Caroline. And she definitely dressed the part, wearing diamond bracelets and a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings with one of the sparkliest pieces from her jewelry box: her diamond fringe necklace. The night’s theme was Art Deco, and you can definitely see that playing out in Caroline’s jewelry and attire.
You’ll see many people identify this piece as a convertible diamond tiara that belonged to her grandmother, Princess Charlotte, but I disagree. I think that Charlotte’s tiara and Caroline’s necklace are two separate pieces, and you can read my ramblings on that jewelry question right over here!
Caroline’s elder daughter, Charlotte Casiraghi, also attended the ball. As per usual, her jewelry was on the minimal side, but she did add a bit of sparkle with a trefoil-style pair of diamond studs.
She also wore a diamond bracelet on her right wrist, as well as a few rings.
I spent a lot of time poring over the photographs from this event in search of one ring in particular: the pink diamond engagement ring that Pierre Casiraghi reportedly bestowed on his longtime partner, Beatrice Borromeo. I think you can just catch a glimpse of a ring on the correct finger in the group photograph above.
Unfortunately for us, though, Beatrice spent most of the arrival at the ball with her left hand entwined firmly in Pierre’s — so no closer look at that ring. But we did get lots of great shots of her diamond earrings and that spectacular diamond necklace.
If the magazine reports are true, these two are headed for the altar sometime next month. Fingers crossed we get wedding pictures! (Pierre was the only Casiraghi brother present at the ball — Andrea and Tatiana skipped the event, probably because she’s due to give birth to their second child at any moment! Princess Stephanie and her family were also not present.)
The Grimaldis are friends with lots of other nobles and members of non-reigning royal families, so the big Monte Carlo social events usually give us a glimpse of some of these lesser-seen royals. Here’s Carlo and Camilla of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. I like her earrings, and I wonder if the pendant on her necklace is an aquamarine. (Very appropriate for March, of course.)
Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy attended the ball, but without his wife, the French actress Clotilde Courau. (I’m thinking I’ve heard rumors that they’re actually separated?)
Serge of Yugoslavia, on the other hand, did bring his wife, Eleonora Rajneri, to the ball. I love her earrings.
And here’s a pair of guests who will surely be of interest to jewelry lovers: Alberto and Giovanna Repossi, from the jewelry firm of the same name. Princess Charlene wears lots of their pieces; they also made her engagement ring. I’ll bet we can all guess who made Giovanna’s jewelry…
So, what are our thoughts on the jewels at this year’s ball? My take: with an amazing theme like Art Deco, I was really disappointed to see relatively few Deco pieces on show. It’s one of my favorite eras of jewelry!