Vintage Royals: Danish Grandchildren

Sparkling Royal Jewels From Around the World
We’ve talked plenty of times here on the blog about the Scandinavian tradition of giving princesses their first tiaras for their eighteenth birthdays. Today, let’s have a look at the birthday tiara given to Princess Benedikte of Denmark, who later became the Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg.
Like the tiara given two years later to her younger sister, Anne-Marie, this tiara was made partially from another piece of jewelry; this time, it’s a brooch. However, the brooch came from the other side of the family. It once belonged to Queen Alexandrine, Benedikte’s paternal grandmother.
Alexandrine left the floral brooch to Queen Ingrid, who supplemented it with additional diamond elements to form this tiara for Benedikte. The original brooch makes up the center of the reworked piece. Additionally, the diamond that forms the heart of the central floral element can be swapped out for an emerald. Versatile! And even better, the brooch can still be removed from the tiara and worn separately.
Benedikte tends to be generous in sharing her tiaras with her daughters, and both Alexandra and Nathalie have been spotted in the piece in recent years. Even though the SWBs are minor royals, Benedikte is still an important part of the Danish royal family. She even serves as one of the formal regents for the country; if the queen and the crown prince both leave the country, another family member — Princess Benedikte, Prince Joachim, or Princess Elisabeth — has to stay behind and act as temporary regent.
Thankfully, Benedikte’s continuing closeness with her Danish family means that we see all of the Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg ladies sparkling at tiara events quite regularly!