While compiling today’s birthday jewel post for Sarah, Duchess of York, I spent a lot of time marveling at the photographs taken of her amazing ’80s hairstyles. I just had to share, of course. Enjoy!
(Also: I may have named each hairdo. I’m so sorry in advance…)
January 1987
(“Fisherman’s Delight”)
March 1987
(“When You Wish Upon a Sausage Curl”)
March 1987
(“Honey, Have You Seen My Bracelet?”)
June 1987
(“Ouch. OUCH.”)
July 1987
(“Clearly Canadian”)
July 1987
(“Here a Bow, There a Bow”)
February 1988
(“British Sense of Humour”)
February 1988
(“Caribbean Dream”)
February 1988
March 1988
(“The Special Relationship”)
Man, royal watching used to be SO much wackier…
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